11 Ways To Build Momentum In Launching Your New Business Idea


It’s easy to talk about momentum when you are running a race — or even training for one. It’s not as easy to talk about it when it comes to business. Especially when you are trying to launch a new business idea.

Momentum is important for any successful business idea. But it’s also a bit mysterious.

It can be really difficult to figure out if you have enough momentum. Or if you need more to sustain and grow your business.


Building momentum doesn’t need to be a mystery.

If you are questioning whether you have enough momentum right now, the answer is probably “no.” And that’s OK.

All businesses, have their ups and downs. The key is not let the downs keep you down for long.

Here are a few ways you can build momentum, get unstuck, and start moving towards where you want to be:


Have a plan — It’s great to have a go-with-the-flow attitude, but that usually only works when vacationing. You can’t just “go with it” if you want your business to thrive. You have to decide where you want to go. You have to figure out how you are going to get there. Write down your plan and then follow it. Otherwise, you may find yourself on a permanent vacation.


Have a process — The same way you have a plan on paper (or on your computer), you need to have a process for running your business. You have to figure out what works and when something isn’t working, you have to fix it. You wouldn’t run a marathon without training. And you can’t run a business without a process.


Use smart tools — You’ve heard the phrase, “work smarter, not harder.” It’s well-known verbiage for a reason. You don’t want to kill yourself trying to keep your business afloat. Especially when there are so many tools available right now to help you scale and automate your business. There is someone in the business of making your job look easy — with an app. Utilize their tools so you can focus on a job well done.


Start by telling one person — You don’t need to start out with a billboard in Times Square. All you need to do is tell one person. If you have a product, service, or business that stands out, they will shout it from the rooftops for you. They will tell their friends who will, in turn, tell theirs and it will go on and on until you have steady business just from word of mouth. Be proud of what you do and tell someone about it.


Do one thing each day that matters — It’s tempting to only do it for the money. After all, money makes the world go round, right? But making the world a little better every day keeps the world going round. You don’t have to give away 90% of your profits to charity. But do give your time to help someone out or to make a difference in your community, if you can. And if you don’t have time, then, by all means, spend some of that cash you’re earning. It will come back to you tenfold.


Eliminate or schedule distractions — It’s unrealistic to believe that you can get through a whole day without distractions. You can, however, start paying attention to the times you get distracted and the things that are distracting you. If you can schedule those things into your day, you will have an easier time dealing with distractions and you will be able to focus on the task at hand instead of running around like a distracted puppy at a tennis match all day.


Focus on one key thing that matters — What is your mission? What is the one thing you do well? What is the one thing that matters? You may have to ponder this for a bit or maybe it is exactly what you founded your business on. Whatever your “thing” is, you need to give it all of your focus. And if you don’t have a “thing,” you need to find one. If you know what you are working for, it’s easier to build momentum.


Do something that has meaning for you, not somebody else — You will never be happy living someone else’s dream. If you are in the “family business” because it was expected of you and you are miserable, you will have a terrible time mustering up the energy to give a flying-you-know-what about building momentum. Or your business in general. Make sure what you are doing has meaning for you or you will lose yourself in the daily grind.


Surround yourself with positive people — You need to have a circle of friends, co-workers, mentors, etc. who lift you up and cheer for you. You will not get very far with people who are happy when you feel lost. You need encouragers in your life and people who always look on the bright side. And don’t forget to be that person to someone else.


Find alternatives to the problems you face right now — There are going to be problems that arise that you aren’t going to be able to fix or that you aren’t going to be able to look at objectively. It’s OK to ask for help from people with a different perspective. Look at things from every angle before making a decision. And don’t take the problem (or the solution) personally. This is about your business, not about you.


Pay for help — There is always going to be someone who has been where you are or is exactly where you want to be. If you’re lucky, they will offer their services and you can get them to teach you. Get a mentor. Find a coach who inspires you. Use their resources. Pay for their classes or workshops. Or for one on one help. Seek out those people and get the help.



Don’t wait until your business idea is old and forgotten to start building momentum. Start today. Right now.

Do one thing that matters. You’ll already be on your way to building the momentum you need to do one more thing. And more thing after that.

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Shelby Stelfox - EDGY Inc

EDGY’s Own: Shelby Stelfox

Q: How do you help your clients see the big picture with their success? A: A great EDGY client is someone that is coachable, but also willing to have hard conversations with us.