EDGY Case Study - Global Educator

The Challenge

With a firmly established business-to-consumer model, this global educator saw the opportunity to package their personal teaching and coaching for businesses.

While they had the content, they required a radically different approach in order to appeal to the American corporate market.

Without people based in the USA and with few business contacts, they needed local knowledge.

More than that, they needed a team skilled in assessing business requirements and packaging their content for maximum appeal to staff as well as to decision makers.

Our Approach

We took a deep dive in to the business mentoring market, researching the key players and what they do best.

At the same time, we made sure we had a comprehensive understanding of corporate requirements and identified the most compelling reasons why they would adopt a mentoring for their people.

We then developed a thoughtful go-to-market strategy to position our client as the leader in this space.

Irresistible Messaging

EDGY messaging is carefully crafted to draw out the frustration our target audience is experiencing as they struggle with attracting, retaining and engaging the right staff members.

Understanding their pain allows us to show how our client offers them irresistible outcomes at far less than the cost of losing key people.

The outcome is an easy decision from both an emotional and logical standpoint and it’s easily justifiable in financial terms.

Full Execution

Our job doesn’t end with strategy and messaging; we execute the strategy for and with our clients.

We test, refine and prove every step of the way and this was no exception.

Our first marketing outreach resulted in over 500 leads, which the EDGY team then qualified and assisted our client to begin to close deals.

What You Do When You have 5 Million Users And Want To Capture A Whole New Market

Already a leader in transformational personal growth, this global educator had perfected their offering, and their sales formula... for sales to consumers. When they wanted to branch out into corporate sales, they turned to EDGY.